Hi, my name is


I’m a Data Scientist

About Me

I’m passionate data scientist who has an insatiable hunger for knowledge and has demonstrated his expertise through his various rankings in international data science and machine learning competitions.

I’m interested in the field of machine learning in general, NLP, data engineering, and data infrastructure and architecture.

Here are a few technologies I’ve been working with recently:
  • Python
  • Tensorflow
  • CatBoost
  • Optuna
  • Scikit-Learn


Machine Learning Intern - Central Trade & Auto
Jun 2022 — Aug 2022

I worked on the following two projects:

  • Enhancing the accuracy of GNSS recievers in smartphones for better geospatial positioning of drivers
  • Vehicle inspection system using instance segmentation and severity classification of damages, semantic segmentation of vehicle parts, and vehicle body style classification

The GNSS project needed deep domain knowledge which pushed me to learn numerous new concepts and strengthen myself in others including: Kalman filters, nonlinear optimization, how satnav systems work from a physical prespective using pseudoranges, signal identification by PRN codes, Keplerian elements transmitted by satellite messages, frames of reference, and many more.

For the vehicle inspection system, I worked on different steps of the ML pipeline from modeling by fine-tuning pretrained Mask-RCNN and ResNet-50 models in Tensorflow, to the optimization of the model training loop, to the preprocessing and merging of different datasets using custom scripts, and finally, to the manual annotation of hand-picked data for testing

Data Science Intern - Green Circle
Apr 2021 — Aug 2021

My focus was mainly on using data science in cybersecurity.

I worked in setting up threat intelligence platforms (TIPs) such as MISP and OpenCTI. I then transitioned to work with Kibana, a data visualization dashboard software for Elasticsearch.


May 2022
Deep Learning Specialization

This specialization is taught by Dr. Andrew Ng, an adjunct professor at Stanford University; founder & CEO of DeepLearning.AI and Landing AI; and chairman and co-founder of Coursera.

It consists of the following 5 seperate courses (which, combined, take about 180 hours to complete):

  1. Neural Networks and Deep Learning
  2. Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter Tuning, Regularization and Optimization
  3. Structuring Machine Learning Projects
  4. Convolutional Neural Networks
  5. Sequence Models
2019 — 2023
B.Sc. Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PSUT)
GPA: 4.0/4.0 (First On My Batch)

Extracurricular Activities:

  • Vice president of PSUT’s Data Science Club (May 2021 — Jun 2022). This involved:
    • Creating a curriculum for the club members
    • Organizing and teaching at workshops
    • Organizing in-house machine learning competitions
    • Guiding many students on how to strengthen themselves in their careers
  • Tutor & organizer for the AI–Ability initiative by PSUT which taught foundational ML to school students in Jordan.

Get in Touch

My inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I’ll try my best to get back to you!